Social Services

Food Bank, Thrift Shop and Clothing Bank

624 Crystal Springs Rd. NW, P.O. Box 5320, Yelm, Washington 98597
Phone:  360.458.7000  Fax:  360.458.4226 

Food Bank

Serving Yelm and Rainier School Districts, and the Nisqually Tribal Reservation since 1971Yelm Community Services is proud to be the first and oldest food bank in Thurston County.For the Food Bank: The food bank will be open on Thursdays at ** 9:30am and will serve clients until 12:15 am. Clients may not enter the building, and must wait in their vehicles in city-approved parking areas on the side of the road. Please do not park in the roadway, or block the YCS parking lot. Please patiently wait your turn, and please follow the instructions given out by the staff and volunteers. While driving through to pick up food, please remain in your vehicle, and please stop and turn your car off if you are being loaded, or behind someone who is being loaded.
**  Please:  No parking before 8:30 a.m. to allow a safe walkway to school in the mornings.
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”

For the Thrift Shop: We will not accept any donations to the thrift shop, and the doors will be closed to the public.

For more contact or program information, please refer to our website Yelm Community Services

These actions are designed to help keep our staff, volunteers, community partners and people in

For the distribution of USDA commodities, please navigate to the following link for the USDA non discrimination statement.
488-USDANonDiscriminationStatement.pdf (

Interested in picking up food for one other household?

YCS-food bank, TEFAP proxy form
People who want to pick up for another household can do this after 11 a.m., but first, a person from that household must access a form available at the agency’s website (see above), complete and sign it, and bring it by to Yelm Community Services, advising who can pick up food for them. Forms must be dropped off no later than one week before the date that food can be picked up, and forms will not be accepted on Thursdays.  People who pick up for themselves and one other household only can come to the food bank beginning at 11 a.m.  No one should send in more than one family to have a person pick up food for them. All food bank clients can only pick up for their own household, plus one other household, for a total of two households.

YCS 2025 Holiday Schedule

Wednesday, 6/18/2025, 9:30 am-1 pm – Food distribution b/c of Juneteenth holiday on 6/19

Thanksgiving and Christmas food distributions:

Thursday, 11/20/2025, 9:30 am- 1 pm – Thanksgiving/Reg Food Distribution

Thursday, 11/27/2025, No food bank, Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, 12/18/2025, 9:30 am – 1 pm – Christmas/Regular Food Dist.

Thursday, 12/25/2025 – No food bank, Christmas Day

Tuesday, 12/30/2025 – Food Bank, b/c closed on New Year’s Day

Thursday, 01/01/2026 – No food bank, New Year’s Day

Thursday, 01/08/2026 – Food Bank, 9:30 am to 12:15 p.m.

Christmas Toys/Gifts, available for children birth through 12 who live in or attend school in the Yelm School District:

  • 2025 Holiday Toy Program General Inquiry (watch for active link at when it becomes live, application not available by walk-in, fax, or mail, just online)
  • 2025 Holiday Toy Sign Up
    Application Available 12/1/2025 9:00am – 12/5/2025 5:00 pm (watch for active link when it becomes live)
  • Monday, 12/15/2025 – last day for toy and gift drop-off
  • Wednesday, 12/17/2025, Holiday Toy and gift pick up, by appointment only, beginning 9:30 a.m.

If you missed food bank or other services at Yelm Community Services, then please refer to our website,, and bookmark it. The staff and volunteers at Yelm Community Services are not responsible for clients who see different information or dates/times on other websites that are not part of Yelm Community Service’s listing.
Please limit phone calls to agency so staff are not overloaded with phone calls, thanks!

The Yelm Community Services’ clothing bank is one of the primary programs of the agency and has been in existence since the agency was formed in 1971.  Over the years, the generosity of the community resulted in the need for expanded services.  The agency opened the thrift shop in February, 1990.  The proceeds are used to purchase food for the food bank.

Donations to the thrift shop are tax-deductible.  Please see the attached guidelines, but please rely on the guidelines from the Internal Revenue Service to fully document any charitable donation you make.

Please donate to the food bank and thrift shop.  Your donations are tax-deductible.

Yelm Community Services is a nonprofit, charitable organization registered with the State of Washington, Secretary of State and the Internal Revenue Service.  The organization’s federal tax I.D. is 23-7226534.  Please donate directly to Yelm Community Services, where your support is turned back into help for people in need in your community.